Saturday, 14 December 2024

A lazy Friday afternoon. Primary School Finished - On to Intermediate 2025

The final leg - Whangaparoa to Auckland went well with a few days at Gulf Harbour and a trip to Whangarei to retrieve  the car.
In this long period of very settled weather, I have been able to anchor in Okahu Bay and reflect on the end of the Odyssey     

                                                                    A visitor

 Festive season display at Okahu Bay

                                                          Rebecca - Captain for the day

                                                             Indigo in the sunshine

                                                        Indi and Phoebe - top 'n tail

                                                           Hungry after all the fresh air

                               Our apartment from the anchorage at Achilles Point/Bastion Reef 

                                                            Just another sunset

                                           Last Full Moon for the year - A Cold Moon 

Kawau To Whangaparoa

Gulf Harbour Marina

                                                        Hercules Retirement Flyover

                                                                    Vivian Bay

                                                             Whangaparoa Anchorage

                                                               Christmas Lights


Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Tutukaka to Kawau

Tutukaka to Kawau was the longest stretch of this Odyssey. 40 Nautical Miles
7 1/2 hours.

Everything went well except the wind which came in for about 2 hours and was not much use
There has been very settled weather throughout this voyage. 
The only fish I have seen has been a shark close to the yacht, but it didn't  hang around long enough for me to get a good look. Further north there were more blue penguins   

The photos are in the wrong chronological order. Read bottom to top

A walk onshore at Vivian Bay Kawau took me up a steep concrete road to many undeveloped sections. The birdlife was sensational with many Native Pigeon, Fantail and Tuis who flew very close by.  

Birdsong in the Evening at Kawau is Sensational

Oyster Catchers on the wharf
Tui. None stayed long enough to be clearly photographed
Fairchild Reef to Great Barrier Island
Safely Anchored

Sunset over the Mainland
Vivian Bay
Vivian Bay
Smugglers Cove Whangarei Heads
Smugglers Cove
Sunrise Smugglers Cove

Logs for Export Port Whangarei
Christmas Lights

                                                      Negotiating Whangarei Harbour

Scotsman's Anchorage Whangarei 


Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Mimiwhangata to Tutukaka

                                                        From Mimiwhangata to Tutukaka

Fish Frenzy 

                                                                 Matapouri Bay
Matapouri Bay - new rock walls

Matapouri Bay

                                                          Kowharewa Bay Tutukaka

                                                                  Tutukaka Harbour

Just when you think you have got the Bay to yourself


Monday, 25 November 2024


New Beginnings 

The voyage of Tawhiti started in Kerikeri marina 28 September 2024 with the handover from the previous owners Steve Lott and family - owners for 43 years.
The beginning of a bucket list item of cruising the Northland Coast after sailing here many times in the past but always with time constraints and pressure of returning to work in Auckland.
After a few days in the Bay of Islands, accompanied by Jon Lee with his yacht Caroline, it was an easy trip North to the cavalli Islands then Whangaroa Harbour and anchorage in the East arm which I had never visited before. A very pleasant and sheltered anchorage, before moving to near the Whangaroa Marina and visiting Totara North by dinghy. Next was the familiar West Arm and Rere Bay with the prominent rock formation of the Duke's Nose. Again a sheltered anchorage appreciat after the wind that blows straight down the main channel of Whangaroa Harbour.

Leaving Jon, I headed North to Mangonui to catch up with family and friends. The use of a swing mooring negotiated by Danny Simms added security to my stay and the ability for son Shane and I to take part in the Sunday Mangonui Cruising Club race to Matai Bay.

Leaving Mangonui, I stopped at Waitepipi bay, lovely secluded Bay North of the Bay of Islands. Had my first swim in NZ waters for the season and removed many barnacles from the hull before departing for Opua via Matauri Bay.

The next few days were spent exploring some of the many surrounding Bays - Pomare, Opunga Cove, Assasination Cove, to name a few before returning to Opua marina workberth to have a rig check and electrlcal switch seen to.

Ollie the rigger

                                       Time to Continue South 

22 November I left Opua and the Bay of Islands for Whangamumu. Rounding Cape Brett always gives the feeling of laving somewhere special and indeed the BOI is a wonderful cruising area full of we protected anchorages.

The weather has been settled, and everything on board is working well. Whangamumu is a very pleasant anchorage with walks ashore and at this time of year, very few other boats about. No internet for me, but I am told it is available in the middle of the bay.

Next stop was Bland Bay where a local approached to ask where I had come from and was purportedly checking for Caulerpa weed. I gave him a scone still warm from the oven and he called by later with the offer of fresh kina which I politely declined.
Moving on I anchored for the night at Whangaruru opposite a campground we had used with the motorome.

24 November I arrived at Mimiwhangata. A lovely anchorage with long walks ashore.
Following a "must see' tip from Bob Blakey I moved t nearby Taiwawe Bay. A very sheltered and small anchorage - protected by an island

Taiwawe Bay

Typical NZ Bach

Taiwawe Bay

Early morning start, I headed through Rimariki Island passage bound for Tutukaka. Just off Elizabeth reef I remembered Rex and Jenny from Whangarei yacht Alcyone had mentioned they would be sailing about this time, so I sent a text. "Oh, we are at Mimiwhangata - just arrived last night" so I turned back to join them.
A great catchup after too many years and it was a pleasure to see them again.    


Cattle and sheep work Mimiwhangata