Monday 3 September 2018

Back to Corfu

We left Parga and keeping North we reached Mourtos/Sivota – again on the mainland. Anchoring in Monastery Bay we dinghied to shore for the traditional pizza and gelato.

With the forecast of increasing wind expected, we continued on to Garitses (Corfu anchorage). Not too happy with the holding, but it was quiet so we went in to town for Souvlaki with Babis and Wendy from Carpe Diem. A lovely Souvlaki restaurant right in the centre of town. Very cosmopolitan and a pleasant evening. Relaxing the next day Babis and Wendy came over for happy hour. After about an hour the sky darkened and I thought the weather had passed to the south of us. Then the wind started and changed direction, we were on a lee shore and the wind looked likely to increase. This happens occasionally and is usually not long lasting but I did not want to take any chances. We up anchored and in a very short time were in the shelter of Corfu East Coast. Very reassuring. The wind did die down in a relatively short period of time, but we were not to know that and were happily anchored 4.5 miles away at Kommeno just outside the marina.

28/8 had a quiet day with laundry and supplies – then on to George’s Grill for dinner – Pita Gyros now an exorbitant 3Euro (about $5)

Commencement of Winterisation  & Tourist Days Out

I had a cold today – Raewyn started the winter cleaning. We have plenty of time as haul out is not till the end of next week. We had planned a circumnavigation of Corfu but decided to use that exercise as a shakedown cruise next year.

31/8 We bussed to the Achillion Palace. Magic. The palace is lovely and interesting. Not sure why we had not been before. Well worth the visit.

Elisabeth (German princess) who had the Palace built was fascinated with Achilles and Greek mythology and the Palace reflects this. Apparently it was lived in by Kaiser Wilhelm.

Erin and John from Zee Kiwi were in the anchorage and popped over to say hi again (we had met them last year)

1/9 Lovely evening catching up with Erin and John on Zee Kiwi in the evening. 48ft Catmaran and I thought Raewyn would have been more than just impressed with the room. It certainly was spacious

2/9. Raewyn has a cold, but again we bussed in to town and visited Mon Repos. – The “palace” where Prince Philip was born.

This was rather disappointing. A grand mansion in lovely grounds but very run down. Needs a property developer/manager to arrange for restoration work. There is a small charge to get in, so it should not be impossible to fund.

Achillion Palace

Achillion Palace

Achillion Palace

Achillion Palace

Achillion Palace

Achillion Palace

Achillion Palace - Photo does not do this justice

Achillion Palace

Achillion Palace

Achillion Palace

Achillion Palace

Achillion Palace

Achillion Palace
Achillion Palace

Achillion Palace
Achillion Palace - Note the bronze foot - maybe Achilles?

Mon Repos - Typical Corfiot Dress

Mon Repos -Regency Style

Mon Repos

Mon Repos - Yachts at anchor at Garitses (Town Anchorage)

Mon Repos - showing Mediterranean trade routes

Mon Repos - showing Mediterranean trade routes

Mon Repos - showing Mediterranean trade routes

Mon Repos

Mon Repos 

Mon Repos 

Mon Repos 

Mon Repos - Best View

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