Thursday 13 June 2019

More of Kekova Roads and on to Finike

It is possible to spend a lot of time in this area with many different sheltered bays and anchorages, all different in their own way.

Kale Koy.
The most touristy. Gulets and tripper boats pass frequently to view the castle. We walked up from our anchorage on the other side. Very hot as we passed many sarcophagi, then descended past the many restaurants and trinket vendors. Took the obligatory photo of the sarcophagus in the water and walked back over the hill. Next day we anchored under the castle and dinghied across to the "sunken city" expecting to see terrazzo floors etc, but this was not to be. Plenty of evidence of an ancient city on the Island of Kekova though as we traveled down the shore. Interesting enough but not up to our expectations. From there it was on to Gokkaya Limani - a lovely sheltered anchorage just a short distance away. Our electronics power supply failed, so we followed Othali closely through the narrow passages to the anchorage.
Here we dinghied to the "Pirates Cave" on a nearby Island. A large cave we spent some time inside hoping the roof did not give way as  was evidenced by some of the rocks on the sea floor. They had obviously been part of the roof at some stage.

Finike Marina. Finike is where I entered Turkey from Cyprus on Checkmate all those years ago.

We Finike reached the next day to try and sort out the electronics. (I had temporarily fixed the power supply) Reports of work done here were not good so we decided not to pursue a solution in the hope that the "fix" will get us back to Marmaris. Bit disconcerting though with the possibility of not being able to rely on a depth sounder.

Kale Koy

Gokkaya Limai

Typical Sunrise

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