Thursday 4 August 2016

Mykynos To Siros

The wind finally died enough to go ashore and bus in to Mykynos town. It was a short trip and interesting to wander the very narrow streets thronged with tourists. Most of the shops obviously catered for tourists and we wended our way down to the port. Took 3/4 of an hour in the Post Office queuing to post one letter, then finding our way back past the galleries and restaurants/ tavernas. mykynos is very expensive. (Pita Gyros - Greek equivalent of our fish n chips fast food) was 10E compared to 1.60E in other islands. However, we managed a milkshake in town before going back to the anchorage and having a meal at the restaurant on the beach. The restaurant was full of under 25's very subdued - relaxing, swimming and sunbathing getting ready to party again in the evening.

We left Mykynos for Tinos - a short trip but again we had head winds so motored all the way. In Tinos town we Medmoored to the town quay right in the centre of town and had power and water.  It was very pleasant to be back in the midst of civilisation and to be able to get on and off
Moondance at will. Spent a few days there and took a bus tour of the island (whole day)

We got a weather window of little wind and set off for Poto Rafti our destination in Athens but it was not to be. A frost plug leaked in the engine and we lost the freshwater coolant. Only 10 miles from Siros, we sailed to Ermoupolis where we still are. The engine is fixed but the bloody wind is blowing 30knots again from the North. Directly from where we are heading. We are in an incomplete marina. No power or water but no charges either. Today we walked around Ermouplois. It is built on two hills with large churches at the top of the hills. Had coffee and pastries on the waterfront before tackling the climb to the top of the first hill. That was enough. Downhill all the way we walked back to the marina and picked up groceries on the way.





First Pita Gyros

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