Tuesday 16 July 2019

Fethiye again and beyond

We timed our arrival in Fethiye to coincide with the large Tuesday markets. This time we used the marina at Yacht Classic. A hotel with marina, two swimming pools and fine dining restaurant.
Marina fees were reduced by 50% if clients used the restaurant. This was one of our best value for money dining experiences in Turkey  and it truly was fine dining in every sense. Of course the onshore facilities were used as well  pool bar, laundry, swimming pools.
Our next anchorage was near Gocek at Innice Iskelesi  as we made our way back to Marmaris via two more idyllic anchorages – filling in places we had not called at on our way down.
3 days in Marmaris saw us fully reprovisioned and we left for the peninsula that runs in to Symi (Greek) Bay.
There are many anchorages along the peninsula and we enjoyed 4 bays – one of which included a night on a mooring and dining at Nemo’s restaurant. In this bay goats hurtled down a very steep cliff in the evening and it was fascinating to watch. Seemingly impossibly steep cliffs with no footholds.
Last bay on the peninsula was Bozuk Buku  where we swam with turtles, watching them feeding on the bottom and coming up occasionally for air. A dinghy ride to the Citadel gave great views over the peninsula and surrounding area.
Bozburun, on the other side of the peninsula was our next stop. We had been there in our first trip with Moondance. We anchored in a sheltered bay just outside the town quay and re visited “Osmans Place” where laundry was arranged and showers used.
From there it was on to Keci Buku after checking out anchorages at Semilye. There is a Byzantine fort to anchor behind and again we enjoyed being there.
Crossing to the south of the Datca peninsula we were caught with strong winds and sheltered in Ciftlik. Not the best anchorage, but we were very comfortable while the wind blew. When it died down we rolled a bit, and so continued on to Ova Buku, meeting up again with Sue and Bob who had sheltered at Datca. Here we got water and anchored stern to a breakwater. The anchorage was subject to a surge which apparently is caused around 7pm by a passing ferry. It was most unpleasant at the time but we survived without damage unlike two other yachts, one of whom had a tern window broken and another who suffered damage to their passarel.
Knidos was our next stop, and as before, we tied to the jetty in the same place and spent the afternoon wandering around the ruins of the ancient city where 70,000 people once lived.    


Lord of the byzantine fort at Keci Buku

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