Thursday 25 July 2019

Knidos to Sogut - Gulf of Korfezi

Amazon Creek

Amazon Creek

Amazon Creek

Amazon Creek
Just another quiet anchorage

Up the river
 at Ali Baba Restaurant

Our next yacht

Cleopatra's Beach

Cleopatra's Beach

Cleopatra's Beach

This critter (snake) was waiting in the early morning

On from Knidos in to the gulf of Korfezi was delightful. Many safe anchorages all slightly different.
First stop was Mersinick. A pleasant bay with a hidden hotel that looked deserted, citrus orchards and nothing else.
Kormen had a marina with a ferry from Bodrum. We stopped and the girls went in to Datca by taxi for supplies. We stayed with the yachts just outside the marina
Two tree Cove (Kucuk Cati) was our next stop then on to Amazon Creek. This anchorage was a surprise and we dinghyed up the river in the evening to a delightful restaurant that was part of a camp ground. Very exotic surroundings and lovely food and company.
Kargili Koyu was next - these are all becoming a bit more of the same but each had its own charm

In Sogut we stopped at the marina for two nights to fill up with water and a bit more diesel. Again two restaurants ashore were checked out. From there it was Gokkova Limani and the three small islands that include Cleopatra's beach. It is a very touristy place with many tripper boats and Gulets. we were fortunate to arrive late in the afternoon after most of the tourists had left and explore in the early morning when no one was around.
We are now at Kesr. A small anchorage with just enough room for two yachts.

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