Monday 13 June 2016

Leaving Marmaris

7th June finally we got our release from the tax department for the purchase of Moondance and our dinghy back from having a leak fixed. (Ha)
First night was anchored just across from the hum drum of Marmaris town. A lovely place with great shopping and excellent restaurants. We found a really good one called Roma with great friendly staff and great food. 
8th June saw us up anchor and head for Ekincik (Egg n Chick) which is south of Marmaris. We found a nice anchorage there.
9th June still on the bay we organised a river cruise to Dalyan. 10am our cruise skipper picked us up and we were the only ones on the boat. Our captains name was Aladdin. Very nice young man and helpful.  He did have a carpet on board but unfortunately it didn't appear to be magic . He never had a lamp but he did have his cell phone and I am sure his Genie with him as he was always on his phone. 
Our first stop were some sea caves. They were very interesting to see.  Next was Turtle Beach. Loggerhead turtles migrate here to lay their eggs. Developers were wanting to build a big hotel on the water front but after a lot of protesting it was not allowed which is such a great decision.  Our next stop was a turtle feeding station from one of the ferry boats. The turtles swim in their own environment and to get them to come to the boats they feed them blue crab which they fight with the fish to get their fair share. We saw three very big turtles which was great to see them in their natural surroundings. 
The river winds it way through chanells of reeds. We looked for Moses in his basket but did not find him. Pleased the skipper new his way as there are many channels.
Our next stop were some Carian ruins which were really interesting and they dated back to 4BC. Quite a few of them were well preserved and it I was easy to make out what the structures would have been. 
Our next point of interest were some tombs also dating back to 4BC. They were built high up on the hill above Dalyan town. These tombs were amazing and it left us wondering how on earth they managed to get their dead placed inside the tombs and how they managed to get the facia front of the tombs up there and put them in place. We later had a walk through the town and then lunch which was nothing to write home about. I was writing the first edition of this blog. (Actually lost 2 drafts that did not save). Tony enjoyed the Tzatsiki and Calamari while I was typing.
Next came the trip winding our way back through the chanels of reeds to the river  mouth which was very pleasant until we reached the mouth itself. The wind had come up and we entered some very rough water. I am pleased I had taken my seasick tablet the night before or I may have been feeding the fish. There were some huge troughs with large waves breaking over the bow. Tony said it was some of the roughest water he has been in for quite some time. 
Phew! Finally back and I breathed a sigh of relief once I was able to climb back on board Moondance. 
With that trip behind us we both went for a lovely swim.
10th June we motored and sailed to Serce pronounced Sersay. We spent two nights in a lovely cove. 
12th June we motored and sailed to a bay called Kizil Adasi near Bozburun which is in the gulf of Hisaronu for those of you who may want to look at a map.  It is just north of Marmaris. 
13th June We are now in a small marina in Bozburun and we are sitting in a little cafe having lunch and finally doing our emails. This is a delightful little seaside town. 
Another instalment will follow as we get more WiFi. 

Love Tony and Raewyn 

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