Tuesday 27 June 2017

Crotone to Corfu

When the wind had died down enough to make conditions pleasant we walked around Crotone, visited the inevitable castle which was interesting. There was a research library included with historical and recent books. The castle itself was also interesting with moats and parapets – the usual same same but different.

Carrying on we walked through the narrow winding lanes typical of Italian towns to the main shopping centre then back to Moondance. An unexpected interlude as we were only there for shelter and not expecting to visit the town which looked uninspiring from the marina.

Leaving Crotone at 5am we had one of our best sails at 7=7.5 knots and arrived at Santa Maria de Luca (the cape at the heel of Italy) at 7.15pm. Again the Scotsmans anchorage outside the marina. The town looks interesting and well worth a visit. Maybe next time?

Another sunrise and we are headed for Corfu. These two passages – Crotone to Maria de Luca and on to Corfu are the longest of this trip. A tall ship passed between the sunrise and us but we were too far away for really good camera shots. It was a spectacular scene though. The rest of the trip was uneventful until we had our biggest dolphin encounter just before Corfu.   Carrying on we arrived at a sheltered bay – Tavernas on the beach, and just in time for a swim.

We had arranged to meet George and Rosie at the NAOK yacht club Corfu the next day, so set off and on arrival tried to anchor in a very busy small harbour. What a disaster. Got the anchor chain caught in the large chain on the bottom.  Sorted that out with a rope, lost the small rope that was attached to the anchor ball, and buggered off while the going was still good. Had a look at free anchoring but eventually headed for a marina in Corfu town. Signs all around saying no mooring or anchoring and there was one other yacht there with a Greek flag. Anyway, we encountered no problems and many yachts made use of the anchorage after seeing our mast. This is typical of anchorages everywhere. So, we were not alone.

George and Rosie arrived by ferry from Bari at 5am, watched the sunrise and went to bed in their van parked 100m from Moondance.

Our “marina” was very close to the large markets in the old town of Corfu. We got lost many times exploring. Found the laundry, lost it, found it again too late 3 days later. George and Rosie joined us for some forced marching around the markets, then a route march to find a non existent laundry. Hungry and very thirsty we continued our walk to a harbourside restaurant that just happened to sell cold beer and pit gyros.  George’s introduction to Greek food – 2 pita gyros. The refreshingly cold beers kept coming. A big day for Rosie and George starting with an overnight ferry trip and ending around 11.30 the next night.

Rosie and George took off for an explore and dropped me off at the port authorities where I checked in and renewed my cruising permit. Bit of a palaver. 1 1/4hrs at the port police to get checked in, then customs 1hr to get the cruising booklet, then back to poret police to get the booklet stamped. Total cost 45Euros.

Raewyn went to Vodafone to sort out slow internet. The English speaking techie was away for the weekend, so it was back on Monday.

That night we had dinner at Café Yali on the waterfront 20metres from Moondance. Lovely.

Monday – Vodafone sorted and everything else done we left the marina and went to a secluded bay in Komenno, just outside the marina. Well it used to be secluded. Although we were the only yacht, there was Greek music coming from a resort on the beach and paragliders etc around. The music was good and we enjoyed listening to bouzoukis, singing  etc.

After a pleasant few hours we headed close to the marina (Scotsmans anchorage) where there are quite a few boats. We dinghied ashore to meet Rosie and George at George’s Chicken Shack. A favourite restaurant with – try to guess (great Pita Gyros) George had two, I had one.

Tall ship at sunrise

Castle Crotone

Castle Crotone

Castle Crotone

Research Library

Friends, Romans, Countrymen. Arrividevirci Italia

Castle - Crotone




Sunset Café Yali Corfu harbour 

Corfu pavement

Georges Chicken Shack. George Tony Raewyn Rosie
                                  We are still in the Scotsman anchorage on another glorious day.

Fishing Boat Capri

Leaving Crotone


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