Saturday 6 July 2024

Sailing with Rebecca and Indi

 Rebecca and Indigo arrived 12 June at Corfu airport as scheduled after a long direct flight from Auckland via Doha and Athens.  It was a joyous reunion after waiting at the airport and the taxi ride to Gouvia Marina and Moondance was a welcome completion of the journey.

                                                                      Jet lag exists

 Jet lag kicked in and the mechanic who was working on the few issues while were in the marina was able to continue with his work. We left for Kommeno anchorage just outside the marina. Marina charges are horrific and services mediocre. One of our issues was connection to shore power and of course there was no power due to area wide issues on the day we arrived. So compulsory time at the swimming pool had to suffice for 1 night, 2 days. Power returned at 8pm. Dinner at George's gave a good introduction to Greek cuisine.

Kommeno to Garitses

We moved the next day to be nearer Corfu town and the obligatory visit to the fresh produce market and old town.  Bec and Indi had a long walk in the evening around the waterfront to the old windmill. Nothing too adventurous but a good walk ashore.

Next day it was further exploring of the old town markets and a bus ride to Kononi for photo opportunities and watch the planes land   

Garitses Anchorage

Walking around Mantouki village

Cruising is a process of meandering around the Greek Ionian Islands. A very safe cruising area with plenty of  anchorages.

Corfu to Plataria

Escaping Corfu we motored and sailed to Plataria - a sleepy well protected anchorage on the mainland. Indi was able to get her first experience of seaside Mediterranean and more Greek Food.  There was only one other yacht in the anchorage, and two flotilla's of Sailing Holiday yachts in the harbour. 

Moussaka anyone?

                                                         Plataria to Syvota/Mourtos

A favourite anchorage from past years Monastry Bay was a delight for Indi and we spent a lot of time at the beach. The anchorage was very good and there was plenty of room. Surprising considering the time of year and past years experiences when it has been very difficult to find a suitable anchorage.

Ashore we found entertainment at the pizza restaurant was of the same standard as previous years and we stayed 2 nights enjoying the town and surroundings.

pizza made the old fashioned way

                                                                Syvota to Emerald Bay 

Another good sail in the predominantly West breeze to Emerald Bay at the top of Antipaxos. As previously mentioned this bay gets crowded during the day and we timed our arrival to see the last of the tripper boats leave. The sea was clear as always and we enjoyed snorkelling and going ashore for further swimming at the beautiful white sand beach.   

                                                             Our neighbours at Emerald Bay


Preveza provided a good sail in the afternoon breeze and we made the distance to the sheltered Turtle Bay in good time. A chance to walk around the town and re provision before heading further in to the Gulf of Amvrakia to Vonitsa.


A delightful anchorage a bit of a walk to town along a beach littered with small shells. Indi had a great time exploring the seashore and playing on the gym equipment. Truly energy is wasted on the young. The Castle was closed when we arrived, so the walk up the hill provided only views of the town and anchorasge.

                                                                               Lefkada Island

The sail from Vonitsa back to Preveza and on to Nydri had a bit of drama when a large Greek flagged motor yacht charged down the narrow channel making a wake which upset our dinghy. This was soon fixed after a series of rolls and we continued to the Santa Maura Bridge and Levkas Canal. Transiting this piece of water is always interesting and the sail to Nydri (Vliho) was pleasant in the calm sheltered waters.

Nydri is always fun and we spent a lot of time at e hotel pools during the heat of the day. Further provisioning and a meal at Stathis Place was compulsory where the portions are large and fresh.

                                                                     Abelike Bay Meganissi.  

A favourite anchorage which has been denied us in earlier years due to its popularity was available and we tied stern to a tree at the head of the bay. Dinner at Mna's the next night provided a compulsory introduction into ouzo for Rebecca. After 2 days we had an onshore wind change and left the bay regretfully after picking up the well dug in stern anchor assisting the rope to the tree.

                                                              Back to the shelter of Nydri

                                                                   And more pool time

                                                                   Sthn Levkas Canal 

For a night to make an early entrance to the Levkas Canal and on to Parga

 Where we enjoyed an Asian meal that Rebecca and Indi had been hanging out for. Not much Asian in Greece the Sushi and dumplings were well received.

The next day we took the train ride to Ali Pasha's castle and got a guided tour of the Castle which Rebecca and Indi enjoyed. (As did I) . 


We were very fortunate again as the popular anchorage was wall to wall boats. Going through the lot to the head of the Bay we anchored in the perfect spot just away from the anchors of the yachts on the town Quay - with plenty of swinging room.  A quiet night and a meal ashore, with more fun playing on the stony beach.


Again with more time ashore and calling in to the marina for water and Diesel.


Back to Kommeno where we had a few wet rides into Gouvia in the dinghy. A Greek dancing night at Aries cafe was fun with Rebecca joining in. Indi holding back, but making the moves just off the stage area.

                                                                            Gouvia Marina

Back for a trip to Aqualand and a big clean up day before flying out to Athens and welcoming the new owner of Moondance.


What a wonderful 3 weeks sharing the area I love so much and have so much fun. Rebecca and Indi were the best shipmates. Careful with fresh water, power, and transitioning to the use of marine toilets and holding tanks well. Lack of shower facilities was not a problem with the use of hotel pools. A great adventure for a 10 year old capable of going at full speed all day with energy to burn from copious quantities of hot and cold chocolate drink. 

Certainly an exercise in living in the present where everything happens right now. Not a moment is wasted   

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